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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Thursday, December 22, 2016

U.S. EIA sees only 1.5% Hybrid sales growth to 2040

The U.S. Energy Information Agency seems to have totally sold out to the oil lobby. The agency predicts, in a report released Tuesday 17th...
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Johnson Controls files appeal of A123 bankruptcy sale

Johnson Controls filed an appeal in bankruptcy court today of the Dec. 11, 2012 sale order approving Wanxiang's purchase of A123 System...
Thursday, December 8, 2016

China's Wanxiang wins auction for assets of battery maker A123

Chinese firm Wanxiang emerged as the winning bidder of bankrupt battery-maker A123's assets after a days long auction that lasted until ...
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

DoE Launches 'Manhattan Project' for EV Batteries [VIDEO]

Think of it as a Manhattan Project, except instead of secret nuclear bombs, the end result is much better batteries for devices, electric ve...
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

U.S. launches new project to develop electric-vehicle batteries

The Obama administration launched a fresh $120-million research project Friday, aimed at developing cheaper batteries for electric vehicles....
Monday, November 28, 2016

U.S. says A123 sale requires its consent

The U.S. government said bankrupt A123 Systems Inc cannot be sold without its consent because the battery maker received a $249 million gran...
Friday, November 18, 2016

Norway has become the world capital of the electric car

For the second month in a row, an electric car topped new car registrations in October in the Nordic country, where 716 Nissan Leaf were sol...
Friday, October 28, 2016

BMW Joins VW in Backing Germany’s 1 Million Electric-Car Goal

BMW backed the German government’s goal to have 1 million electric cars by 2020 on the country’s roads, a week after Volkswagen said the ta...
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

NYPD to Get 50 Chevy Volt Police Cars

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today unveiled the first of what will be a fleet of 50 Chevrolet Volt NYPD police cruisers, which will...

EVs are 1/10th the Cost to 'Fuel' Compared With ICE Vehicles

Under current utility electric vehicle (EV) tariffs, it is always cheaper to recharge an EV than to fuel a conventional gas-powered vehicle,...
Monday, June 13, 2016

Shai Agassi "This is the Internet with another Zero." [video]

ABC TV in Australia has produced a few great videos promoting the ideas about Peak Oil and Electric Cars this year. Shai Agassi: "It i...

ABC TV Catalyst Peak Oil Report [video]

ABC Catalyst travels from Paris, to London, to the outer space like world that is deep sea drilling, to find out where we stand with our oil...
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kirk Sorensen explains Energy from Thorium @ TEDxYYC [video]

Kirk Sorensen is chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Alabama and is an advocate for nuclear energy based...
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Demand for EVs in Hawaii ends state rebate program earlier than expected

A Hawaii electric vehicle rebate program has run out of money after doling out about $2 million since January 2011. The state extended the p...
Monday, March 28, 2016

Fox News: Chevy Volt the iPhone of the American automobile industry

Watch the latest video at Fox & Friends has set the record straight with its story, “Can the Chevy Volt help win the W...
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

car2go to set up car-sharing service in Birmingham, UK

Daimler’s car2go car-sharing service won a tender offer from Birmingham City Council to set up an urban mobility scheme there. More than 70...
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

ACT Government welcomes new electric car into fleet

ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Katy Gallagher, today announced the arrival of an electric passenger c...
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Ford Focus Electric approved for Californian HOV lane and $10k Rebate

Californians looking to avoid projected $5-per-gallon gas will soon be able to buy the gas-free Ford Focus Electric, save $10,000, and enjoy...
Saturday, February 27, 2016

£22m venture to help small firms commercialise low carbon automotive technologies

A new £21.8m initiative aimed at boosting component manufacturing in the automotive sector has been launched. 'The Proving Factory' ...
Friday, February 19, 2016

New ARPA-E $20M R&D program Targets $30k EV with 400 km Range

If you think you can develop an EV battery that delivers three times the range for a third less cost than current designs, you can claim a s...
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